It is hard to figure out what day it is and how long we have been here!
Sunday was a full day. We went to the Russian speaking church. Although very good, it went over 2 hours and we had to leave with restless kids. Then we went to the English speaking worship time of the MTW and other missionaries. Great worship and singing! It was a time to say goodbye as the Freelands, who had been in Odessa 5 years, were returning to the States, Dallas, Tx. We had pot luck dinner and a general time of fellowship. It ended with our kids a little antsy and we were dragging Kolya away as he was trying to tell us that he had dropped his hat. We thought he did not want to leave. I heard Bob comment that the Edwards will probably have many of those times, and he is right.
Although we do have miscommunication I am amazed at the amount that we can communicate: I love you, no, yes, tomorrow, hungry, thirsty, toilet, shower, bath, rest time, game, new game, park, church, etc. Most of all we want them to know they are love so all of us, Dad, Jake, Erin and I shower them with hugs and sometimes kisses.
We are doing well. We figured that instead of 1 month of bonding and exclusion in B'ham, we are having that time right here in Odessa.
We started school yesterday. We decided to divide and conquer. Dan took Kolya and I took Christina. Kolya does not like the unknown and will set his feet in and once you work through that he does well. We have picture cards with English words. We are teaching the kids the English word associated with each picture. Then we swap kids. Then we all show of to Erin and Jake and Christina and Kolya are praised greatly.
Erin and Jake have been great. They are the playmates for the kids when we need to do something else. They are also the "MOM, could get......they are not behaving". Dan taught Christina and Kolya wrestling yesterday. It was just a mass of legs, arms and heads. Erin was taking pictures and I was watching. Dan was at the bottom of the pile with Jake, Kolya and Christina on top! What fun! Poor Dad!
Dan has set limits for the kids. I cannot believe with as little English and Russian as we share that he communicates so well with them. We have a time out chair that if they break the rules, mainly the getting mad if they do not get their way or hitting, they have to sit for 5 mins until ready to obey. If not ready another 5 minutes. The time out chair is not off to the side so they are not sent away from us. It is in the living room and they cannot participate in what we are doing until they obey.
We do often have times of miscommunication. We try to give them the benefit of the doubt and unless we know for sure it is not miscommunication but a bad attitude or a rebellious spirit then there is only explanation and no time out. They thought at first that they were going to be spanked or worse, I guess. But when my patient husband worked through our plan it worked out!!
We pray at meals with them and at night time. It is so sweet for all of us to join hands and pray. Then time for bed. Again we divide and conquer. Dan takes Kolya and I take Christina. Christina goes to sleep within 5 mins. I usually am reading aloud Persuasion by Jane Austen.Can you imagine speaking Russian and having that book read to you in English. It would put you to sleep--Aaahh, there is a method to my madness!
Can't wait to be back in the States. Love our time here but it is only a preparation for our life in B'ham. Miss all of our friends and our dog, too!!
In Him Alone,
We visited the Freeland's several times while we were in Odessa. Spent Christmas day with them and also watched the Superbowl there with M! Glad you got to spend time with them. Blessings to you!