Thursday, January 28, 2010

A beginning!

Life is always is just a bigger change at the Edwards' home right now.

Culture shock has hit not just the kids but me! I was warned but really did not believe it. When I pulled out the silverware drawer in the kitchen...the second silverware drawer were I keep the extra serving spoons, knives, measuring spoons, etc. I thought "What do I use all of this for?" When I first walked into Western and there was so many choices of fruit and vegetables, leaf lettuce... I counted 5 kinds. All clean and pretty. I had a list and after I went through the cashier line I realized I could carry all of the groceries in my 2 cloth bags like in Odessa.

The first place out of the house I went to was the dry cleaners. I was cleaning Dan's suit and our many jackets. I got out to talk to the man and he smiled and spoke English. All the signs were English. I could read and understand. It has given me a feel for how Kolya and Christina must feel completely surrounded by English. Their comprehension is much much better than ours was in Russian.

Funny things the kids have done:

Brushing teeth with a sonar care toothbrush. Learning when to turn it on and off. The first couple of times the toothpaste spun off. Then they learned to not turn it on until it was in their mouth. Then they would go to spit and splatter when they take the toothbrush out without turning it off. The bathroom is messy!!

They were both excited about all their clothes. It did not matter if they were used or new. They were thrilled that the clothes were theirs. They had been excited for the small amount that we brought in the suitcases for them. Christina kept saying, " Christina's, Mama?" Kolya loved his clothes. They both amazed me by what they like. Their styles and tastes are pointing to personality. For Christina, glitter and sparkle and she will wear it. Kolya loves soft clothes.

They both love Haley, our dog. I have had to explain that Haley is a Babushka - revered older lady in other words a grandmother. Kolya wanted Haley to get up and run but she was ready for a nap!

Both the kids want Haley to sleep in their room. So one night Haley's bed is dragged into Christina's room and the next night is Kolya's. They also like to walk her on the leash. However we have been walking with the Megginsons and they have a new puppy so the kids take turns over the puppy.

Behavior problems are less frequent than in Ukraine. However we had a major blow up today. So please keep praying for us. We need strength, love and God's awesome power.

In Him alone,


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