Thursday, January 14, 2010

3 of us are stuck in Ukraine!!!!!!

Hello to All, about the Passport problem is not good.
Our faciliators here and the US Embassy in Kiev have
confirmed that the blank passport problem may be a
long-lasting problem. According to the Embassy, the
Company who prints the blanks has not been paid by the
Ukrainian government, so they refuse to print additional
blanks. Apparently, nothing can be done. The Embassy
claims that those at the top know all about this issue
and have contacted the State Department in America. The
Adoption Representative at the Embassy told me that some
old blank passports were found in a few offices and a
couple of families got out this week. But we are pretty
certain that no blanks remain here in Odessa.

I have emailed the offices of Spencer Backus (House) and
Jeff Sessions (Senate) to make sure they know how stranded
we feel. In addition, I have emailed the US Embassy in
Kiev. I have played the kid's "health issue card"
everywhere I can. Maybe that will help. If anyone has
other ideas, please let me know.

Currently this is our plan. Our tickets are for next
Wednesday (20th). I plan to fly home then unless something
breaks before. Leslie will stay here in Odessa until we get
the Passports. When that happens, I will return to assist
with the kids on the return flight. Our apartment in Odessa
is available until mid-February, we believe; so Leslie will
stay here due to the familiarity of the area and support
she has with the missionaries. She is confident that she can
handle the kids here by herself until I return.

Thanks for your prayers,

I am not necessarily "confident" but I know that God has
been in this process from the beginning. Why should I doubt
that He will be here with us now!!



1 comment:

  1. I also follow another blog (I am sure you may also) and their facilitator was able to get them Children's Travel Documents which they think will allow them to leave the country. I am sure you already know this information, but I just wanted to share just in case.
    Here is their blog:
