Saturday, January 9, 2010

After the Hugs and Kisses....

Very tired from several days of parenting our kids. Don't get me wrong, we love them and are so glad they are our kids but Mama and Papa are tired! We want to go home and be in our own bed!!

Ok, pity party is over!!

We have taken the kids several times to ice skating and to the other misc rides of the small carnival. However no more carnival.... since they both got very upset when we said no after ice skating, shooting guns, bumper cars, etc. They are normal kids that will keep on going as long as you keep on paying out the money, grevna. So yesterday was the last day of the carnival for us. We can still look out the balcony window and see it, still hear the music, even walk pass it on the way to the mall, grocery store is in the mall, but no more carnival. And you know what, both of the kids understand why! Russian or English there are consequences to bad behavior. They asked if they could go skating and we said no. They looked at us and said nothing at all. That tells it all.

Really, the last 2 days have been tough. We are tired and ready to be in the States in our home. Please pray that we will finish the race well here. We know we have about 1 week left so that makes it feel worse instead of better:)

However these last 2 days have made us fully lean on God alone. Sometimes we say that and we mean it when we say it but when you get in situations that there is nothing you can do but pray and be still, and wait for the Lord. Then He works right in front of your eyes!!! You are seeing the Holy Spirit changing a heart, tears are coming from eyes that a moment ago were full of anger....and you have done is God alone. Why do I not keep that mind set!! I have to be hit over the head before I really get it!

All this to say it has been a tough day but we are glad we are here and that God is here with us.

In Him Alone,


1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you Leslie. I'm here in Kiev with my two kids too, trying to finish up the paper chase so we can all get home. We started this process and have been here since early October. We went home for 13 days during the quarantine because our bio-son ended up getting the H1N1. We ended up bringing both of them with us back. My hubby & bio children left right after court (Christmas Day). At first I felt that I was battling it all myself, when in reality I am doing no such thing. God has been here with me every step of the way. Yes, sometimes it takes that frying pan on the back of the head to make us realize it. We're human. I have grown to be very thankful for the time that He has given me here to grow closer to Him. Praying you guys get things done speedily and errorlessly according to His Will.
