Friday, October 30, 2009

So much good news!

Sorry for the delay in blogging. I have been rebuked by many so here it is. (By the way, thank you for caring enough that you will get on my case for not blogging !!)

I have just returned from a week in Odessa. The mission team of 5 from CPC went to Orphanage 88 to update the prayer journal, take winter clothes for the orphans and, YES!, part of the plan was for me to see our kids. As we have not received acceptance from Ukraine yet, we still could not tell Christina and Kolya.

Since this adventure began with a passion for kids and especially orphans, it was easy to go to 88 and talk with the kids. We took 22 kids, the true orphans, to McDonalds. Some had never been. We ordered chicken nugget Happy Meals for each of the kids. We put each Happy Meal box in front of each of the kids, prayed and thanked the Lord, then I said ok, let's eat. The kids sat very still not knowing what to do. I had to open one of the boxes to show them that the toy and food were inside the box. They soon were smiling, eating and having a great time. They all received balloons on sticks and most took their box back with them. It was a fun time for all!

The team spent most of our time with all the kids. We took their picture, gave them a copy of their picture as we asked questions of each person individually. It was a lot of fun. Then we just hung out with them outside. Fred Hendon, the only man on the team, played games with what ever kids were on break from classes. Usually he had at least one kid hanging on him. It was great for the kids to see the love that Fred, a man, showed them. They were used to a lot of women but a man really made a big impression!

Since our church has been coming to this orphanage at least once sometimes twice a year, we have a good relationship with the director and the kids of the orphanage. The first couple of times teams went to 88, there was acceptance from the director but with great reservation. Now that she has seen that we really will keep our word, that we love the kids, that we keep our word in regards to returning and helping with some projects, we really have seen a blossoming of the relationship with the director. Please pray for her, that the Lord will call her to Himself, that there might be openings to share with her the Good News of the Gospel when we return to get our kids.

On the last day that our team was in Odessa, I was able to separate Christina and Kolya with Michelle, our friend and interpreter. It was time for me to share with them about their friend, Sasha, who had been adopted by a family in our church. They waved to the camera and sent a message of friendship back to Sasha. I gave them a small gift and tried to establish a small memory to build upon for the future.

The Future is looming closer and closer!! Our dossier was submitted Tuesday, 10/27, in Kiev, Ukraine. We were given a file number and told that by the end of next week we should have our travel date. Even as I write this, my pulse beats faster!!!!! It really looks like we might be leaving BEFORE THANKSGIVING!!

The kids' rooms are almost ready. The beds are made, curtains up, bookcases filled with books and plenty of room to add their own items. A shower is being given for us...such kind friends who are almost, almost as excited as we are! Can't wait to get Christina and Kolya!

God has blessed us greatly through this process. From the time He revealed this call of love, for us to adopt, to adopt 2 kids, to adopt Christina and Kolya, God has confirmed over and over that this is what we are to do. As I have stated before, our major obstacle was the finances, God has shown us again that with Him nothing is impossible. If He wants something done, He will provide the means. We have received donations of over $43,000. Our goal was $40,000. As we contemplated what was before us, Dan thought we would need more but we did not change the number. However nothing is hidden from God or a surprise to Him. He has provided exactly what we need and we thank Him and the many people God used to generously provide this money to get our kids home!!

In Him alone, Leslie


  1. Hi Leslie! I havne't seen the comment section on here before but I've been following your blog since Grant and Page told me about it after your first post. I get teary every time I read an update b/c I love to see how God is caring for orphans through people so far away here in America. Thomas and I feel like adoption is what the Lord has for us, we're just still waiting on his timing. We have a 1-year-old treasure of a little boy :) and are praying for wisdom for the future of our family as well. Just wanted to let you know we're following your story and are so excited to see God's faithfulness to this point and after the kids come home. Much love, Christina Bomgaars Dent

  2. Hey Aunt Leslie. I am excited for you guys. Sounds like everything is just falling into place. Can't wait to meet our new cousins!!
