Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dear Friend,

Greetings to you from the Edwards’ family! Leslie and I are excited to announce that we have begun the process for the adoption of at least one child from the Ukraine. With this letter we desire to tell you some of our story.

On Friday, our last day in Odessa, Ukraine, I (Dan) was sitting in a hallway of the dormitory at Orphanage 88 among a group of special-needs orphans. It was time for our team (including Amy Johnson and Anya Hall) from Covenant Church to say goodbye after a week of ministry with them. There were tears and a profound sense of quietness and sadness. Orphanage 88 is the orphanage from which Larry and Lauri Taunton (members of Covenant Church) adopted their daughter Sasha. So Sasha had been one of the topics as the children wanted to, through us, tell her hello. The house mother was excited to inform us that Kolya (a boy of 9 who was sitting on the bench next to her) was to be adopted. Kolya was one of two who came to the orphanage with Sasha from the same shelter; so two of the three, she now informed us, had been adopted. The house mother looked further to her right and pointed to little Christina. She made it clear that Christina was the last one left.

I cannot fully describe the weight and impact of that moment; I will never forget it. Time seemed to stop. At that moment I felt God was whispering in my ear to adopt that last child; and I cannot ignore it. While being profoundly moved by this experience, my eyes were opened even further when I arrived back home. I was reminded by Leslie, who has made two trips to the same orphanage, of her heart for the kids in this same orphanage. So, we are of one mind and are completely committed to this calling.

Christina is the cutest little girl one has ever seen. She compares only to our other daughter Erin. Christina is ten years old, knows no parents and has very little hope without a family. She has lived in Orphanage 88 since 2006; I cannot bear for her to spend one more winter there. Since returning home, more information on Kolya has surfaced. It appears that the previously interested family has ceased his adoption. We will be adopting Kolya as well.

I trust that you will join us in the overwhelming joy that we are feeling in the initial stages of this process. We are truly fighting thru (and have to be reminded often of) the idealistic stage of this process. Today we are full of optimism, but we know hard days are ahead. We need our church family and friends to surround us with support.

One part of the process that quickly returned us to reality is the significant cost of the process. According to the Lifeline Adoption Agency the cost is estimated at $32,000. If a second non-sibling child is included another $6,000 is expected. So we are anticipating a need of close to $40,000. Will you consider assisting in this effort? We are using Pathway Orphan Ministries, a 501c3 corporation established by Dr. Langston Haygood and the Covenant Counseling Center for purposes like this. Please send any checks to:

Pathway Orphan Ministries3509 Branch Mill RoadBirmingham, AL 35223

Tricia Mandt Prather will be the administrator of the fund. Other means for raising money are being explored; however, we know that the primary source will come from those individuals and families who partner with us.

Please know that we are well aware that not everyone will be able to assist financially. But more than money we desire to foster a culture that passionately cares for the needs of the orphan. As we covet your unyielding support in the nurture of Christina and Kolya, we most of all desire that you know the heart of God with respect to the orphan. It is our prayer that this culture, as it reflects the gospel, will deliver a profound effect on God’s people. So please partner with us, in any way that you are able, to promote the care of the orphan.

Leslie and I do not know what the days ahead might bring; but we do know that God and his people are with us. So join us in this calling and pray and hope with us, that we might be able to adopt our children before winter.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink,

I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me,

I was sick and you visited me…”

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